November 23 2015

Web Pro 2 – This Changes Everything!



If you’re a business owner, you have probably already been burned on marketing projects.

Most likely you risked a significant budget on a website or marketing campaign that would never repay you. Maybe that happened multiple times.

Isn’t it crazy that business owners and entrepreneurs — the champions of innovation in the world — have been expected to gamble their hard-earned profits on the whims of web designers and so-called “marketing experts” for the past twenty years?!

As I explain in this 25-minute video, I’m as guilty as the next web pro!

In fact, I’m pissed off enough to do something about it.

In the video/audio below, I’ll explain what’s so shitty about the current system, and introduce my “Web Pro 2” model, which I think offers the solution we need.

I believe that Web Pro 2 will revolutionize the way we deliver marketing services for ever.

It will be an open-source project (an evolution of the OSM Client Service system). That means we’ll publish the “how-to” so that anyone can pick up and use the Web Pro 2 model.

Watch the Video (or MP3 is below)

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Want to Be Part of “Web Pro 2”?

At the end of my talk, I invite any businesses who are interested in working with this model (who wouldn’t?) to contact me with details.

If you would like to be part of the beginning of “Web Pro 2”, please email me with a short overview of what you currently market, giving your website address, and stating what you would like to achieve. I’ll then review and we’ll take it from there together.

I have a group of amazing consultants ready to go, who’ll work alongside me to help you achieve real growth — at practically zero risk to you! Rest assured, you will get our priority attention.

The only caveat I would add is that you should be willing to let us share at least some details of your success as part of a case study for WP2.

Listen to the Audio

About the author 

Ben Hunt

My job is to look at the world and wonder... "How should we live?"

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