March 19 2019

Vegan YouTuber Fail Leaderboard

Sustainable Living


There seem to be so many high-profile vegan YouTubers dropping the diet at the moment, and I thought it would be constructive to create a page to list the most-followed folks and track which of them fall off the wagon (either honestly or by being busted and outed).

My reason for making this chart is not to disparage, embarrass, or criticise these people or any of their choices, but to collate the information with the goal of being able to share the facts about how many vegans are forced either to abandon the diet or to cheat - even those whose livelihoods and public identities are so firmly based on their veganism!


Criteria: I have excluded inactive channels or those who have under around 100,000 followers. Numbers are rounded down to two significant figures.

They do not have to have a channel dedicated to vegan lifestyle. I will include anyone who happened to have a large following and who, at some point, clearly identified as vegan.

Vegan YouTubers are dropping like flies

If you know any other high-profile channels that should be on this list, or if you hear of personalities abandoning strict veganism, please let me know, thanks.

My conclusion: From what I can see, high-profile vegan celebrities are dropping like flies! As the list stands, just over half of these online celebrities have already abandoned veganism. How many more will follow?

Still vegan


Number of followers (at the time of adding)

(& approx. date if quit)











Quit February 2019?




(Spanish + English channels)






(YT & Instagram)














Megan Bowen (Megan Moon)
















































Earth Mama Medicine (Veladya Organica)

































































(90,000 in April 2019)

About the author 

Ben Hunt

My job is to look at the world and wonder... "How should we live?"

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  1. Technically Steve-O was never vegan, since he was eating fish the whole time.
    Not sure what your point is about Joey Graceffa, he’s made 3 videos in the past 3 years mentioning veganism (1 to quit, 2 about some random foods). That doesn’t make him a vegan youtuber… does it?
    I mean you left out Blair White (500k), who claimed to be vegan (wasn’t really) but quit, she is a youtuber, but not a youtuber about veganism.
    I suggest you also add (500k) and Ask Yourself (17k)

    Just my $.02

    1. Hi Anon.

      Steve-O said he was vegan, so I’m taking him at his word on that. I suspect a lot of professed vegans cheat when no-one’s looking anyway.

      Re Joey Graceffa, this isn’t just for channels that are predominantly about or promoting veganism. I agree Joey’s case is more tenuous.

      I didn’t leave out Blair White, she’s on there.

      Ask Yourself only has 17k subscribers, so too small for this list.

      I will add, as it is pretty much Dr Greger’s personal channel.

      1. As someone who’s read Joey Graceffa’s YA science fiction, I’m glad he was put on the list; he was definitely still drinking the Kool-aid when he started writing the Eden series and in the most recent one you can tell he had started to question it.

  2. Hi there,

    Bobby Risto from Bobby’s Perspective on yt is also no longer vegan since a few months ago. You’d have to check though. He’s also quite responsive online too, you could ask him, he’s a very good guy.

    Thanks for this list, it’s awesome.

    1. Yes, I’d love to add Bobby to the list, but he doesn’t publish his follower numbers, so I’ll have to reach out to him direct.

  3. First time here, so haven’t delved into you history. I used to be vegan and then became vegetarian. I was subscribed to several PBWF “guru’s” Facebook groups and pages. Something I started to notice was the difference in their appearances from the first time I saw them to the last time. Lightbulb moment for me – something was definitely off! So I did a Google search on images for some of them. Here’s one. There is an image that has a “New” designation. Interesting, doesn’t look healthy at all.…0.0..0.56.526.11……1….1..gws-wiz-img…..0.0q0eAT0EYrQ

  4. Still vegan:
    Ellen Fisher
    Unnatural Vegan
    Jenna Marbles
    Durian Rider

    No longer vegan:
    Stella Rae
    Lyss Ryan
    Vegan Cheetah (now CMC Broadcasting)


    Adina Rivers
    Annie Tarasova
    Claire Michelle
    Boho Beautiful
    Bridget Nielsen
    Fit Shortie Eats
    Freya Haley
    Hitomi Mochizuki
    Infinite Waters (Diving Deep)
    Isabel Palacios
    KasumiKriss – left
    Leeor Alexandra
    Ryan Cropper
    Sheer Lev
    Primal Edge Health – left
    Charles Marlowe – left
    Healthy Crazy Cool
    Maddie Lymburner
    Stella Rae – left
    Bobby’s Perspective – left

  6. MinimalistBaker has ~68k subscribers and is no longer vegan for health reasons. They made an announcement on their instagram page a few days ago.

      1. Fair enough, their YouTube following is a little low compared to the rest. However, they have about 1.5 million Instagram followers. I’m sure there’s potential for an Instagram version of this list with all the vegan ‘influencers’ on there.

  7. Earthling Ed 206k
    Erin Janus 163k
    Regan the Vegan 105k

    The increase of veganism is 600% in some developed countries. It is becoming a trend, so people think they are vegan, until they find out about what veganism actually is.
    Veganism is not a diet. It is a movement. Vegans are activists giving their voice to animals.
    People eating plant-based food because of their health (or trend) are not vegans if they are not aware of animal suffering.
    Vegan diet with variety of fresh food is one of the healthiest diets (WHO reports from past few years). Eating healthy food does not require additional supplements, but the transition is not easy- it takes time, effort and creativeness.
    People going vegan and eating processed vegan food get ill, of course, or need supplements, and than blame it on the veganism, which is unrelated.

    1. Okay, if you say it’s healthy, great. I prefer to use my own senses rather than studies, and what I see and hear is that people are FAILING all over the place to follow this regime, even those who are “professional vegans”. I’m not here to tell anyone what they should or shouldn’t eat, I really don’t much care. But from my experience I’ll never set foot down that path.

    2. Every diet causes suffering. A vegan diet just causes suffering that you can’t see on your plate. There is literally no possible way you can do the math to determine which diet causes less suffering. Vegan diets use monocropping which denudes the land of every life form from bacteria and earthworms to elk and deer, it shipps foods around the world, uses third world laborers who also use animal labor instead of tractors and plow, grain farmers kill millions of rodents a year, fertilizer requires either chemicals or animal manure or the dead bodies of fish, etc. You’d like to think it’s cut and dried because there is no flesh on your plate, but it’s not that simple.

  8. What about Cammie Scott and Amy Ordman? Do their channels have to be about veganism or does this include Youtubers who happen to be vegan?

  9. Hi,

    This is great. It could be so cool to see how long they were vegan for before they quit.
    i’m wondering if the breaking point is similar..

  10. Another vegan down. Brian Rose of London real . Hard to say if its a “vegan channel” but he was vegan and had a lot of vegan info on his channel,although he does balance it…so judgement call for sure, but over a million subscribers.

    1. I found a video from April 2019 where he said he had “Almost 90k subscribers” at the time it was taken down. Combine that with his other channels and he would have been over 100k.

    1. Thanks. I had seen this one, but didn’t realise that his main channel had had >100k subscribers. I’ll look into it soon.

  11. Hello Ben,

    Thank you for compiling this list. I would like to propose additions to your table which I think will add some value, and not necessarily take too much effort:
    * Reason for quitting
    * Estimated length of time vegan

    I recognise that ‘reason for quitting’ is often contained within the linked videos, but clearly summarising ‘why’ as opposed to ‘how many’ vegans quit is very useful for those trying to become vegan themselves (or just wanting to understand the downsides). Categorising these reasons could be tricky! I’d likely preference a high level reason e.g. poor health, then a specific e.g. B12 deficiency.

    Length of time vegan could help separate the more serious attempts from the less so.

    Thanks again for putting this together, it’s an interesting resource as is.


    1. Hi James. I guess your suggestions make sense, and it would be possible, but the point of this list is simpler. I’m showing that even “professional” vegans suffer very high fall-off rates. If you dig deeper, you will discover that the reasons why are pretty straightforward: people get sick! I think that’s all we need to know.

  12. I see Meghan Elizabeth doesn’t have 100k but she was vegan for a long time and isn’t anymore… she was pretty big in the raw community.

  13. Almost certainly Fairly local vegan is going to be announcing she quit veganism. Serious health issues, this video, and a name change as well as her ig talking about bug changes and a new adventure that she was afraid of. 230,000 subs. Keep an eye out.

      1. Turns out, she just dropped the label. She got pissed off at the anger from vegans when she bought her kids leather sandals at a thrift store. Lol. But she’s not healthy and can hardly wait anything. So just more time.

  14. You can add Edyn Jacks (Edyn Loves Life) to the list. She announced dropping veganism 3 weeks ago, she currently has 62.9k subscribers.

  15. Looks like vegan hustle is no longer vegan. Apparently he put up a video about then, but then quickly took his whole site down not long afterwards and his site has been down since 2018.

    This is a screenshot of this video,.

    And here’s the reddit thread on it.

    Easy vegan and Bite Size Vegan have been missing in action for over a year.

      1. It still shows vegan hustle tv as vegan.

        I hope you consider an exception for David Wolfe considering he’s got 15 million Facebook subs and 379 k IG followers and is considered a pioneer who has been writing books , doing workshops and interviews , etc for decades.

        1. Updated VHTV, thanks. I really can’t add David Wolfe as he doesn’t have a YouTube presence, but many people who are following this will also know his story I’m sure.

  16. AlexandrasGirlyTalk is not vegan anymore. She started eating animals again in spring or summer of 2019 and made a video about it.

  17. The “Fairly Local Vegan” is now the “Fairly Local Family”, the change dates back to late 2019/early 2020. Like Jon Venus they are still mostly plant based. Their non-vegan “sin” was giving their kids second hand leather shoes.

    Also, Whacko Jacko Vegano (I hope I’ve spelled that correctly) quit veganism in the latter part of 2019. I have to say I was surprised he quit, he gave the impression that he would go to his grave, mad and malnourished, before he would eat any animal products. He may not have had enough subscribers to make it onto this list.

  18. You can add Jon Venus (387k subscribers), a body builder that accidentally filmed his eggs in the fridge, and later admitted to eating eggs “from time to time”.

  19. Found your list because I found out a vegan YouTuber I followed for a while decided to not be vegan anymore. She doesn’t have near the number of followers this list of people though, but she was one person I never thought would stop being vegan. Edyn Jacks.

    1. Great, thank you. However, it seems that her Instagram post was a joke, as she had accidentally eaten a product that contained egg.

  20. Miley cyrus is the next one to have failed. She wasn't on your board as a vegan, but she definitely was an outspoken vegan.

  21. Found another ex vegan was wasn't on your list when he was a vegan. Pro boxer Mike Rashid King was a vegan for two years. In this video, he states he was a vegan for two years and added in fish.

    In his "my new diet" video 5 months ago after he tore his bicep he's also eating bison.

    He's got over a million followers.

    1. Thanks Carnivoreisvegan. I’m not going to add Mike to this list for one reason. He says in the video that, “I’m not a vegan, I never was a vegan, I did eat like a vegan, I ate a vegan diet for two years.”

      1. He says he ate like a vegan, that MAKES him a vegan.

        I mean I can say "I eat meat but I still think of myself as vegan!" it won't make me vegan. It's about the diet.

  22. "the vegan athlete" moved to an off the grid location, is now "the off grid athlete and says he's eating meat now. He has over 200 k subs. He made about a dozen videos as the "off grid athlete" and then quit making videos. That was 10 months ago.

    Here’s an interview he did last year where he talks about adding in meat

    Here’s his last video talking about veganism or his vegan diet and explaining he won’t be vegan any more.

  23. I just realized that Matin Bislik isn’t on your still vegan list. 1 million subs and vocally vegan for many years.

  24. And another one down. His video is a bit confusing as it sounds like he’s mostly just dropping the label, but he does say hell still be eating vegan “ad much as possible” implying he’s going to sometimes est animal products. 250 k subs.

    1. Thanks Cassandra, but I need a bit more info on Rob. Did he ever identify as vegan, or was he promoting a plant-based diet for skin health (which is insane)?

  25. How about including a category of vegans who are MIA- those who haven’t updated their social media for over a year? It’s actually a significant % .

    Just a suggestion. Certainly a bit more work to implement, but would be interesting.

  26. Damn, looks like you listed Yovana Mendoza and Rawvana as separate accounts when they are, in fact, the same person. We are back under 50/50 again.

    1. Yeah, they refer to “us” in the About description, so if it’s more than one individual, one could fall off and be replaced, maintaining the integrity of the brand. I’ll exclude.

      1. Great? Do you think being no longer vegan is great? What about the animals should die for them? What about their pain and suffering? Are you happy with that? No offense, btw.

        1. Joen, I can easily refute the argument that veganism helps animals in any way. Row crops depend on ecocide, the literal obliteration of entire ecosystems to permit the growing of monocultures. That goes against nature in countless ways. I have written other posts about the ethics, so will not repeat myself here. Needless to say, I have been deep into these questions and I have concluded that eating meat (preferably entirely pasture-raised) is the more ethical approach. One day someone may succeed in changing my mind, but it will take a far more powerful argument than any vegan has so far been able to summon.

  27. You know what? The numbers of followers haven't updated at all. Btw, I'm vegan for animals and all for the ethics. And I eat enough protein, fat, iron, iodine(from sea vegetables and so important for thyroid hormones and hormones in general. Most people don't care about iodine and that's why they've developed a lot of hormonal issues while being vegan and they said they got all cured after eating fish because fish has a lot of iodine! So eat your sea vegetables), calcium, choline, omega-3DHA(from algae, omega 3 is absolutely important for brain health especially DHA if you didn't know), vitamin(A, B, C, E), I take b-12 and d-3 supplement because everyone should whether you're vegan or not. And so on. I did scientific research to get all the essential nutrients and I take care of my health well. I do exercise every day and I'm so freaking healthy. You know what? I don't care about all those no longer vegans who went vegan for health and fame or just because it was considered as a 'trend'. I don't give a shit about them and will be vegan forever. Once you realize what's going on with the animals because of what you eat, you should never look back. They've lost their track and went for a wrong track.

    1. Yes, you can get DHA from marine algae, but you also need EPA for good brain health. You may also look into vitamin K2, as that’s another of the fat-soluble vitamins that no plant-derived fat can store or provide.

      Your comments about ex-vegans is very typical of the cult, pouring scorn on the apostates. I see this very much as blaming the victim. Practically every vegan, at some point, is forced to face up to the consequences of malnutrition, and very often those who take the brave step of admitting they didn’t know it all and changing their minds and habits get ostracised by the vegan community. It’s terribly sad. It’s their fault, they “did it wrong”, they didn’t understand veganism properly… I’ve heard it all a thousand times.

      1. Well, algae also contain EPA and not only that, our body(in liver) can convert ALA omega-3 from plant food like flaxseeds and hempseeds into EPA and DHA as well.
        You can buy algae based omega-3 containing EPA/DHA at the same time, but the reason why I specifically take algae omega-3 DHA is because it's harder to convert ALA into DHA than ALA into EPA.

        Also, about the K2 you mentioned, our body also can convert K1 from plant food into K2. And there are so many K2 supplements in market in case your conversion rate is low.

        And have you heard Dr. Ellsworth Wareham? He went vegan in his 50s and lived until he was 104 years old. He was very healthy and smart in that age. ( check him out.

        The reason why I get so upset at someone like you is that, you only believe in what you believe in(I'm saying you believe you need to eat animals to be healthy) and think every vegan will be 'malnourished' in some point.

        I know vegans can be as healthy as non-vegans when they do well because I absolutely am.

        Finally, I just want to make this clear.
        The real victim is the non-human animals(pigs, cows, chickens, turkeys, all types of fish and the animals being exploited for experiment or for zoos), not human animals.

        Do you know more than 50 million chickens and turkeys have been killed by humans because of the bird flu? Check this article

        Don't you think it was caused by humans wanting to consume those animals as food? As a result they put all the birds into small and crowded places.

        If humans are trapped in that kind of facility, much severe viruses will be happened.

        Remember, the real victims are animals that are eaten by humans.

        And I apologize for writing as if I'm blaming them, but I didn't intend it.
        I was just upset because the 'no longer vegans' are actually causing more people to eat animals and consequently, more animals will have to suffer and die.

        Veganism is not a religion and not a cult.
        It's a philosophy considering animals as precious being and we want less animals to be harmed.

        I'm moslty very peaceful person and just want to change this world into a better place where no more animals(including humans because most slaghterhouse workers are suffering from ptsd, you'll see if you type slaughterhouse workers in google or some other website, 'slaughterhouse workers ptsd' or 'slaugherhouse workers mentalhealth' come at the top)have to go into the pain anymore.

        I want all humans to be free including women, men, black people, asian people, white people, LGBTQ people, old people, young people, disabled people, and so on.

        And I don't want any more climate change. The earth is suffering.
        You'll know the leading cause of environmental distruction and climate change is animal agricultures and it's been proved by all the experts in this area. I'm not just saying this.

        I intend no harm.
        I want peace.

        And I want you to think over what you're doing.
        Not trying to force you to do anything.

        Don't you think it's wrong that those innocent beings should suffer and die just for humans?

        Ok, I'll stop writing here.

        And I won't come here anymore because realizing more vegan youtubers went no longer vegans makes me feel so bad.

        1. Thanks Joen. All I’ll say is, I really have thought over what I’m doing. I’ve done it for years. Just about 5 years ago, I was obsessed with designing living solutions that incorporated greenhouse spaces to aid in self-sufficient plant-based living. That led me to attend numerous conferences on sustainable food and farming, which is where I first had my eyes opened to the vital importance of ruminant animals for environmental and human health.

          Believe me, I could counter every point you’ve made, but I have wasted enough time arguing with vegans over the last few years that I’ve learned not to bother, as you’re dealing with an ideological motivation first and foremost. So probably the biggest difference between you and me is that I not only think a lot about my choices, but I’m prepared to change my views and behaviours based on new evidence. I’m not sure you could admit to being ready to do the same.

      1. Of course, apologize for pointing that out. Like I said in the previous comment, I was a little upset and wanted to write whatever. You know I'm a human and I make mistakes although I'm trying not to.

        1. Hey no worries. Please feel safe to write anything you want. I’m a big boy and can take it.

          It really worries me to see the stress and upset, which I believe is part of an agenda designed to weaken the population. Unsuitable food (heavy on grains, soy, corn, seed oils, sugar) is just the start. I’m cynical about the climate change narrative too, having been a mad greenie for most of my adult life. It’ll all be in a forthcoming book, “The Red Pill Food Revolution”, due out in January 2023.

  28. You have Vegan Hustle TV twice. Also, Bobby's perspective, ex vegan, now published his YouTube subscriber numbers and he's over 100 k.

    1. Hi. I don’t think I can really use that one, as the channel itself (or main personality) wasn’t identified as vegan. But thanks.

    1. Thanks, added. The vegans are now behind the former vegans. I wonder if that will ever change, doesn’t seem that way, as the trend is clear. More quit than join.

      1. It's irrelevant anyway, as it's a revolving door. New vegans start up, and older vegans quit. It would be interesting to take the oldest accounts and see the % that have quit. But would be quite a lot of work to do that.

        I've also been contemplating taking all your current vegans and getting the %: that haven't posted in a couple of years and the ones with admitted and diagnosed mental health issues. The number is quite large from my initial glance. 20%+ I'm estimating.

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